How to create a memorial page on HUG?

Step by step in our HUG app.

You can create a memorial page from different access.

- 1. First time users, before log-in to our app, tap CREATE A MEMORIAL PAGE

- Fill in all information about your loved one. We recommend adding a profile picture of this person.

- Fill in the Date of birth and passing (optional) and how this person related to you?

- To finalize your page, you will need to sign in.
This process is straightforward! Select Google or Apple or sign in with your phone number.
HUG asks for minimal personal information: First name and last name to be able to display your name to your friends & family.

- Follow the steps and log in.

Welcome to HUG! 

Now you can add a Biography to your page, change some information or add a cover picture.

2. Already HUG's member? Log in and tap PAGES at the left bottom
- Tap CREATE A NEW PAGE, Then follow the steps above (you won't need to log in though).

OR open the menu at the top left
- Tap CREATE A NEW PAGE, Then follow the steps above (you won't need to log in though).

Now, you can add content like Photos, Videos, Audio recordings, or messages.
Don't forget to share your page with your friends and family.

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